Since 1990, The Sierra County Humane Society, Inc. has offered a rebate to pet owners who wish to have their animal sterilized but need a financial incentive to do so. These rebates - $30 and $40 for male and female dogs or cats, respectively, are entirely funded through private and corporate contributions and most of all, the hard work of volunteers who believe in what they do. Volunteers operate Paws & Claws thrift shop, the proceeds of which are instrumental in funding the local Humane Society and its programs.
Since the SCHS was organized in the Fall of 1989, the Society’s major goal has been to curb the exploding population of cats and dogs in Sierra County. Irresponsible pet ownership has created a domestic animal population explosion. Unsterilized cats are allowed to roam the neighborhoods and their offspring add to the local feral cat population. To add to their misery, Pit Bulls are bred intentionally, and Pit-Bull pups can be seen everywhere in our county, at the city shelter, on our roadways, in the back yards of unscrupulous owners. They and the Pit Bull-mix pups are doomed from birth.
In 1999, a small but determined group of volunteers took the first step on their “Journey of 1000 Miles”. Desert Haven became a reality. Of course, the purpose of the small no-kill domestic animal sanctuary was never meant to take in all the unwanted animals of Sierra County. We use the resources that we have to save as many lives as we possibly can. The environment created at DH is giving all animal loving folks who are involved at the sanctuary, the determination to make a difference. Through hard work, we help finance, not only Desert Haven, but also a Spay-Neuter and Spay-a-Stray programs, together with a Humane Education program that will someday help bring needed changes in the lives of animals in our area. Of course, there will always be those who condemn us because we don’t take in their unwanted dogs or cats. On the other hand, most folks who join hands with us share our vision: help make our corner of the world kinder and gentler for all its residents.
This week’s wish list: dog, cat, bird, and rabbit food. Someone with a small grader to clear around 200 feet of fence line through light brush on terrain relatively flat. For more information on the Sierra County Humane Society, Desert Haven, or Paws & Claws thrift shop, or to adopt a rescued dog or cat, contact us at 505-894-2778, check us out at or write to us at POB 638 Williamsburg, NM 87942.
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