Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of 9/25/11 Humane Happenings

by Eliana Aubin

Mosey is waiting patiently at Desert Haven for her "forever" home!

This week, the volunteer team at Desert Haven was made aware of a situation involving a dog owned by a local individual. The dog – a gentle female Pit Bull - has been bred regularly for profit. Pit Bull pups are sold to the highest bidder in this area of NM. This situation seems to be the norm around here, as far as Pit Bulls are concerned. The ordeal of this specific female dog touched a sensitive cord with the ranks of the sanctuary’s volunteers. This time, the delivery went wrong. The female suffered terribly – an agony that took many, many drawn-out hours. The puppies were dead at birth and the mother is not expected to survive. Of course, no veterinary care for that dog – it would have cut into her owners anticipated profits.

People who love animals feel immense compassion for dogs routinely bred so that their owners can reap a sizeable profit from the sale of their puppies. Back yard Puppy Mills are still alive and well right here in and around our communities. Back yard breeding involving Pit Bulls is even more disturbing. Pit Bulls in this area and perhaps in most areas of the US are generally acquired for all the wrong reasons. The fact that their owners refuse to have these dog sterilized is a unmistakable indication that their reason is obvious and consequently it is very unsettling to decent folks.

Anyone knowing of back yard Pit Bull breeding should contact The Sierra County Humane Society at 575-894-1694 or 894-2639. Please leave a clear message and as much pertinent information as you can, such as the exact address of the breeders, number of adult dogs, etc. You can remain anonymous, but please, if at all possible, leave a number where you can be reached if we cannot find the location ourselves. Sheriff Joe Baca and Tor C Police Chief Gallagher do not condone dog fighting, an illegal activity in all of the US, including New Mexico. The raising of Pit Bulls for dog fight, the back yard breeding of Pit Bulls for profit, so that their off-springs can be sold at a profit to unscrupulous individuals who use the most aggressive ones for fighting and the gentler ones for bait, an abomination. Unfortunately, our area is not immune to this illegal activity.

If you have the use of a computer, please check our Desert Haven Facebook page at for more information. Decent folks who love animals owe it to the innocent victims of Man’s Cruelty to become more aware of their agony as they are bred, raised and sold to be used and ripped apart in dog fights. Some of these activities are kept well hidden but still right under our noses, in our neighborhoods. Vigilance on the part of all decent folks may save some of those animals. All animals deserve better.

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