Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week of 12/10/13 Humane happenings

by Eliana Aubin 
Foxie's new family

Charlie is now the newest resident at Desert Haven Animal Refuge. He is a cute, medium sized shaggy dog who was recently rescued by a Good Samaritan from years of misery and loneliness at the end of a chain inside some uninterested individual’s yard. His rescuer could not keep him long, only because of restrictions about companion animals in her apartment complex. Charlie is now safe and finally well-cared for at the no-kill sanctuary. The gentle senior-dog is now able to enjoy whatever is left of his life in a loving environment, with no more chains forever hanging from his neck. Charlie’s new play-yard used to belong to Foxie Girl. Yes, we have even more good news to share with our readers and Desert Haven supporters: Foxie Girl – Desert Haven’s resident Boxer –recently moved to her forever home. Her new family drove all the way from Albuquerque to pick-her up at the sanctuary and it was love at first sight for everyone.

 A huge Atta-Girl is in order for Charlotte, DHAR Animal Care & Adoption Coordinator, who handled the adoption from start to finish. Photos were taken - they will soon be posted on our page - good-byes were shared, before our beloved fur-kid left the sanctuary – her home for over two years.

Our Christmas Wish List: Canned dog and cat food (We mix it with the dry food during the coldest part of the winter). Bird Seeds. Cracked corn. Cedar chips. The Sierra County Humane Society has an open account at Horsin’ Around Feed & Tack in TorC. You can either contact them at 575-894-0318 or you can send your donation earmarked for those specific items and we will pick-them up as we need them.

For a while now, we have needed a Cash Register for Paws & Claws Thrift Shoppe. If you have one in good working condition that you no longer use and wish to donate to our 50-1-c-3 non-profit organization, please let us know at 575-894-2639 or at Our mailing address is: Sierra County Humane Society, POB 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Visit us at Happy Holidays to all our animal loving friends.

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