Sunday, February 25, 2007

Week of 2/25/07 Humane Happenings

With the weather cooperating, all the volunteers gathered at Desert Haven Animal Refuge last Tuesday had the opportunity to complete several important projects. Margaret Cacoperdo received the accolade of the day – the spaghetti and meatball dish, one of her specialties, was appreciated by everyone at lunch time. A Hi-Five is in order this week for CJ Ellis of Caballo Lake RV park for not only donating but also delivering to Desert Haven several used picnic tables that were set-up Tuesday in specific areas throughout the property. Having these picnic tables really makes a huge difference at Desert Haven. Thanks, CJ.

What if the kitties of The Cool Cat Neighborhood could talk? They would talk about James Rogers’ thoughtfulness in bringing them a large Styrofoam flat Tuesday, full of young wheat grass that he had patiently grown just for them.

Sasha, the gorgeous long-haired black-and-white kitty who was rescued a couple of years ago, settled down firmly to munch on the green delicacy, and she was accompanied by half a dozen other kitties, each one very interested in the new dish on the menu. It was such a pleasure to watch them! If someone has any catnip plants or seeds to share with us, James has offered to grow them with care for Desert Haven’s finicky felines. When the weather cooperates, the 9th Hole at Desert Haven - Ernie Valdez and Peter Altendorf’s innovative idea - will be rejuvenated after being dormant all Winter, and the canines of Dog Town will, once again, have the opportunity to enjoy walking and munching on the green turf during some of their play-time.

If you feed a stray or feral cat, consider all the unwanted offspring that can be generated by that animal during its lifetime. Please care enough to get it sterilized! The operation can be completely free of charge to you. Simply contact us at 505-894-2778 or 505-894-1694, and ask about our Spay-a-Stray program. There are so many cats in Sierra County, most of them do not belong to anybody - poor unwanted creatures who must fend for themselves to survive in a world that does not value their lives. Keeping them from reproducing by getting them sterilized is the only humane way to keep their population in check.

Wish List: Someone with a small bobcat to clear around 200 feet of fence line through light brush on relatively flat terrain. A green thumb to help keep the grounds maintained or work on small landscaping projects. Someone to take on a painting project or two. Contact us at 505-894-2778.

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